Re-imagining Lewes District

Making a difference where you live

We are driving forward with an ambitious and far-reaching programme of community projects that will see a host of new developments and improvements across the district over the next two years.

These include a renewal of play areas, new sports facilities, green initiatives that will increase biodiversity in the district, tackle the impact of climate change and help the council become carbon net zero by 2030.

There will also be a new wetland and wildflower meadows created, more tree planting and enhancements in local parks and gardens.

This website provides an overview of what we have planned and so we hope you find the information helpful and informative.

Councillor Zoe Nicholson
Leader of Lewes District Council

Councillor Christine Robinson
Deputy Leader of Lewes District Council

Councillor Chris Collier
Cabinet Member for People and Performance

Lewes District Council